BeadBath Duo™ 10 Liter

Category Bead Baths
Manufacturer Benchmark Scientific
Country of manufacture the United States of America
Median product fulfillment time 5 business days

The BeadBath Duo series are the first laboratory baths designed for precision temperature control when used with water, or with (the increasingly popular) Lab Armor® thermal beads. Unlike any other laboratory bath, they feature a “MODE” button that can be used to toggle between “Bead” or “Water” mode. Choosing the correct mode will automatically adjust the operation and balance of the multiple internal heating and sensing elements to ensure optimal performance. The result is one combination bath that is suitable for accurate, and uniform temperature control in either condition.

While the majority of research laboratories today are using water baths, many prefer the convenience of bead baths due to the advantages listed below. With the BeadBath Duo, the lab gets the best of both worlds, allowing conversion from one bath type to the other, with the simple press of a button.


  • Two separate modes for BEADS or WATER
  • Quik-Cal™, simple in-lab calibration function
  • Offers all of the advantages of a “Bead Bath”
    • Eliminates constant refills (Burn-out protection)
    • Easy (accessory free) securing of tubes and bottles
    • Allows angled incubations
    • Runs constant (no wait for heat-up)
$1,446 USD
$1,229 USD
SKU# BMS:B2410
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