Model |
Compressor Cooling |
Price |
FC600 | Air | JL:9600060 |
FC600 | Water | JL:9601060 |
FC600S | Air | JL:9600063 |
FC600S | Water | JL:9601063 |
FC1600 | Air | JL:9600160 |
FC 1600S | Air | JL:9600163 |
FC1600T | Air | JL:9600166 |
FC2500T | Water | JL:9601256 |
Today, tap water is still often used for continuous cooling tasks. Is this acceptable with respect to environmental responsibility? Recirculating coolers of the JULABO TopLine stand for environmental consciousness that became a subject of growing importance in the recent years. The instruments offer an economical solution for cooling applications avoiding expenses for tap water and waste water disposal. The JULABO recirculating coolers of the Economy Line and TopLine have a compact design and fit under a lab counter. The bright MULTI-DISPLAY (LED) is visible from across a lab and gives instant information on actual and setpoint temperatures. Self-test after switch-on, reciprocal sensor monitoring, pump motor and compressor overload protection as well as complete shut-down in case of an alarm offer unequalled safety. Additional protection is ensured by high and low temperature warning functions as well as freezing protection and dry-running protection. These features ensure stable working temperatures, constant pressure of the circulating pump and avoid contamination in the cooling loop. Featuring various electrical connections, the TopLine models fulfill the requirements of modern laboratories.
• Adjustable ratio for feed/return temperatures
• Easy filling system located at the front
• Activation of pump for filling
• Upper and lower temperature warning functions with interval tone
• Integrated freezing protection and dry-running protection
• Rapid and easy operation via seamless, splash-proof keypad
• Liquid level indication on the front
• Self-test, reciprocal sensor monitoring, pump motor and compressor overload protection
• Complete shut-down with audible signal in case of an alarm
• Removable venting grid for simplified removal of dust
• ATC function for simple correction of temperature variations
• RS232 interface for on-line communication (LIMS capability)
• High temperature stability
• Integrated heater with 1.2 kW capacity
FC1600 FC1600S and FC1600T Models also feature:
• Pressure Indicator 0...1.6 bar
FC1600T Model also features:
• Connection for Pt100 sensor
• Analog Connections for programming (0..10V / 0...24mA) and temperature recorder (0V = 0°C)
Type | Chillers |
Incubation | No |
Refrigeration | Yes |
Temp Range (°C) | -20 to 80 |
Capacity (L) | 6 to 11 |
Circulation | External Only |
Brand | Julabo |
MaxFlow Rate (l/min) | 20, 22, 28 |
Temp Stability (°C) | ±0.2°C |
Timer | No |
Alarms | Yes |
Digital or Mechanical | Digital |
Data connection | Yes |
Tank Material | |
Sample Agitation | No |
Media Racks Available | No |
Warranty (years) | 1 |
Weight (lb) | 95 to 163 |
Width (in) | 18.1 |
Depth (in) | 24 |
Height (in) | 19.3 |
Included with each unit: 2 Barbed fittings for tubing 8 and 12 mm ID. (Pump connections M16x1 male)
FC1600T also includes: Analog Connections for programming (0..10V / 0...24mA) and temperature recorder (0V = 0°C).